Look like you
Hey, Hi, Hello
Unpopular opinion time.
I sometimes prefer when my boudoir clients do their own make up instead of getting it professionally done.
*Queue the pitch fork wielding villagers*
Here's the thing, I’m not about to tell anyone to not get their makeup done professionally, I still love that dramatic, polished look as much as the anyone. There is a ton of great things that come from getting your make up (and hair) professionally done before your shoot, like giving yourself that extra bit of pampering and ensuring you have that flawless look. Not to mention being able to support other small business owners (which I Love so please, please, please book with a small business owner if you do decide to get your makeup done!).
What I don't love is how many people (not all, again I’m not coming for the MUAs out there) simply don’t look like themselves anymore. What I think looks the most incredible is when my clients rock their own personal style, maybe amped up a touch for the camera, but still how they might get done up for a night out or something. A look that is still very much them. I had a boudoir shoot myself several years ago, where I did the whole nine yards of hair & makeup prior to going to the photographers studio. It looked incredible and very dramatic in the photos but I didn’t feel like myself. And worse, I didn’t look like myself. I had more than a few people in my life who saw the photos and immediately said something to the effect of "wow, that doesn’t even look like you!"...Errr...thanks? Not exactly what I was going for.
I want to stress again that I am not anti-makeup artist at all. I still love seeing clients come into my studio after having the whole shebang at a salon and ready to rock their shoot. The real takeaway here is just that if you are getting your makeup done professionally, I encourage you to let them know what you love, not just what will show up best on camera. I never want you to walk away from a shoot with images of someone else. Your style is unique and I think its wicked when you bring those qualities into your session. I also just want to toss in here that if you are someone who doesn’t like to wear make up, you are just as welcome in my studio as anyone. You want to come in with a clean, bare face? Fuck yes, lets do this. Want to go professionally full glam? Lets rock this thing. So long as you recognize the person in the mirror, I am here for it.